Job Expired
Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations(CEHRO)
Legal Services
Addis Ababa
5 years
1 Position
evaluate project plans
investigate human rights violations
manage quantitative data
engage with stakeholders
defend human rights
Human Rights
Full Time
Job Description
Terms of Reference for Evaluations
Evaluation Brief: Capacity Building for Human Rights CSOs and Advocacy
The Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations (CEHRO) is a legally registered Civil Society Organization under Proclamation No. 1113/2019 with Registration Number 3932. Established as a Consortium of 30 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), CEHRO focuses on promoting human rights, democracy, and peace-building in Ethiopia. It serves as a platform to enhance the capacity of member CSOs, foster evidence-based advocacy, and drive efforts to protect human rights, support democratic governance and engage in peace-building efforts.
A. Project Title
Capacity Building for Human Rights CSOs and Human Rights Advocacy – Continuation.
B. Objectives:
The ongoing project aims to enhance the evidence-based advocacy capacity of CEHRO and its members, allowing them to effectively promote the protection of human rights. This project is titled "Capacity Building for Human Rights CSOs and Human Rights Advocacy – Continuation."
The project includes the following indicators:
Indicator 1: CEHRO and its members have engaged in advocacy and achieved 70% of the target for human rights protection actions.
Indicator 2: CEHRO and its members have engaged in advocacy and achieved 70% of the target for human rights protection actions.
C. Geographic Coverage
National coverage, focusing on CEHRO member organizations spread across Ethiopia.
D. Target Groups:
Primary Target: CEHRO secretariat and member organizations
Secondary Beneficiaries: PADD/Bread for the World (BFTW) partners and CSOs benefiting from this project.
E. Organizations Involved:
Lead Organization: CEHRO.
Funding / Partners: PADD/Bread for the World (BFTW) and Sign of Hope.
Subgrantees: Selected CEHRO member organizations receiving support under the project.
F. Project Timescale
The ongoing project builds on its predecessor and continues efforts to enhance capacity and advocacy for human rights.
CEHRO Member organizations
PADD/SoH partners
Local CSO networks advocating for human rights and democracy.
Ethiopia faces significant challenges in governance, human rights protection, and democratic development. Notable difficulties include:
volatile political landscape impacting CSO operations.
Conflict and political instability affecting human rights, democracy and peace-building efforts.
Limited technical and institutional capacity of human rights organizations.
These factors underscore the need for targeted capacity-building interventions to empower human rights defenders and organizations.
The project is funded by PADD/Bread for the World (BFTW) And Sign of Hope.
The end-term evaluation for previous PADD/Bread for the World (BFTW) projects was conducted by an external auditor in January 2023. For the current project, a midterm evaluation took place in August 2024. This evaluation included the participation of:
CEHRO member organizations that received support as sub-grantees
Focal points from partner organizations
The midterm evaluation did not involve an external evaluator.
Cause of the Evaluation
The evaluation is being conducted as a requirement set by the project donors, specifically PADD/BFTW. As the implementing partner, the Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations (CEHRO) is responsible for ensuring that the evaluation is carried out to meet donor expectations for accountability, transparency, and the assessment of project performance.
The objective of the Evaluation
The primary objectives of the evaluation are to:
Assess the progress and effectiveness of the project titled “Capacity Building for Human Rights CSOs and Advocacy – Continuation” in achieving its objectives of strengthening the evidence-based advocacy capacity of CEHRO and its members.
Identify lessons learned, strengths, and areas for improvement to inform ongoing and future project design and implementation.
Provide evidence-based insights to enhance collaboration among stakeholders and support strategic decision-making.
Ensure compliance with donor requirements for monitoring and evaluation, demonstrating the project's impact and value.
Why Now?
The evaluation is being conducted at this stage to:
Review the End-Line progress of the ongoing project.
Evaluate the impact and challenges faced by CEHRO and its member organizations as sub-grantees, ensuring course correction if necessary.
Lay the groundwork for possible continuation or scaling of project activities, aligned with donor and stakeholder expectations.
Intended Use of Results
The results of the evaluation will:
Be utilized by CEHRO to enhance its project implementation strategies and better support its member organizations.
Inform donors about the effectiveness of their investments and provide recommendations for future funding decisions.
Serve as a learning tool for CEHRO to strengthen their advocacy and operational capacities.
Who Necessitated the Evaluation to Be Performed?
The evaluation is being conducted at the request of PADD/BFTW, in alignment with their funding and reporting requirements for this project.
The evaluation will respond to the following questions across key criteria:
To what extent does the project align with the needs and priorities of CEHRO and member organizations?
How well does the project support the overarching goals of human rights protection and evidence-based advocacy in Ethiopia?
Does the project align with the strategic priorities of the donors (PADD/BFTW) and CEHRO’s mission?
How effectively does the project address cross-cutting issues such as gender equality, disability inclusion, and environmental sustainability?
To what extent are the project's objectives aligned with the long-term vision of CEHRO and its stakeholders?
How consistent are the project activities with the planned methodology and timeline?
Does the project effectively integrate feedback from beneficiaries and key stakeholders in its design and implementation?
How well does the project build on past experiences, lessons learned, and best practices from similar initiatives within CEHRO and other organizations?
Are the objectives of the project being achieved as planned?
To what extent have CEHRO and its member organizations improved their capacity for evidence-based advocacy?
What challenges have been encountered in achieving the project goals, and how have they been addressed?
How effective has CEHRO been in supporting its members through sub-grants and capacity-building initiatives?
Are the resources (financial, human, and technical) being used in a cost-effective manner to achieve the project goals?
Are the timelines and milestones of the project being met as planned?
How efficiently does CEHRO coordinate with donors, member organizations, and other stakeholders?
To what extent has the project contributed to strengthening the advocacy capacity of CEHRO and member organizations?
Are there measurable changes in human rights advocacy and protection as a result of the project?
What unintended positive or negative effects has the project had on stakeholders, including marginalized groups such as women and people with disabilities?
How likely are the positive outcomes of the project to continue beyond its implementation period?
Have mechanisms been established to ensure the sustained capacity of CEHRO’s member organizations in human rights advocacy?
What additional measures could enhance the long-term sustainability of the project’s outcomes?
Processes and Standards
How effective are the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems used to track the project’s progress and impact?
Are CEHRO’s internal processes and procedures supporting effective project implementation?
How well does the project adhere to donor requirements and best practices in project management?
The evaluation should adhere to the OECD-DAC standards, ensuring high-quality, ethical, and participatory evaluation processes. The evaluation will include the following components:
Minimum Requirements for Methods
The evaluators are expected to employ participatory methods that engage key stakeholders actively.
Qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques should be utilized, such as:
Interviews: with CEHRO staff, member organizations, and donors (PADD/BFTW).
Focus group discussions: with beneficiaries from the sub-grantee organizations to assess the relevance, impact, and sustainability of project outcomes.
Document Review: of project proposals, progress reports, sub-grantee reports, and any relevant capacity-building training materials.
Surveys/questionnaires: to gather insights from broader stakeholder groups, where applicable.
Gender-sensitive and disability-inclusive approaches must be integrated throughout the evaluation process to ensure that cross-cutting issues are adequately addressed.
Stakeholders to Be Included
CEHRO Member Organizations:
Donors: Representatives from PADD/BFTW.
CEHRO Secretariat: Staff involved in project implementation, capacity building, and sub-grantee coordination.
Target Groups: Beneficiaries and participants of activities conducted by sub-grantee organizations.
Other Relevant Bodies: Where applicable, stakeholders such as government institutions, networks, or partners engaged in human rights and advocacy efforts.
Documents to Be Reviewed
Project proposal and relevant planning documents.
Progress reports submitted to the donors.
Sub-grantee reports.
Capacity-building and training materials developed or used in the project.
M&E frameworks, where applicable.
Financial or audit reports to assess efficiency, if relevant.
Other Expectations
Field visits to the sub-grantee organizations.
The evaluators are encouraged to propose additional methods or tools they deem necessary to provide a comprehensive assessment, provided they align with the project’s scope and donor requirements.
The end-line evaluation is expected to take place after the completion of the project in February – March 2025. The final evaluation report is expected by mid-March 2025.
Table 1: Timeline and Expected Deliverables
Deliverables: Preparation of inception report, the desk review and preliminary analysis
Estimated duration: 5 Days
Target Due Dates: February 17, 2025
Deliverables: Submission of draft Evaluation Report addressing all evaluation.
Estimated duration: 12 Days
Target Due Dates: March 1, 2025
Deliverables: Submission of final report, which has been approved and accepted, Evaluation Brief, Data Collection Tools, Questionnaires,
Estimated duration: 8 Days
Target Due Dates: March 9, 2025
Total days consultant: 25 Days
The evaluators will provide the following deliverables in support of the evaluation effort. CEHRO will provide feedback on all the deliverables.
Inception report providing proposed strategy for overall implementation, including timelines for completion of activities.
Final evaluation protocol detailing the data collection methods and sampling strategy.
Draft and Final Evaluation Report detailing the evaluation findings.
The selected evaluators shall possess the following qualifications:
A minimum of LLM or MA in relevant fields.
Demonstrated prior experience conducting End-line or similar Evaluations for Human Rights related projects.
Strong understanding of capacity-building approaches for CSOs.
Proficiency in M&E frameworks.
Expertise in qualitative and quantitative evaluation methodologies (Surveys, FGDs and Stakeholder Interviews), including data collection, analysis, and reporting.
Knowledge of participatory evaluation techniques.
Strong knowledge and skills in areas of Human Rights, Civil Society Organizations, Capacity Building and Advocacy as well as familiarity with national and international Human Rights Systems.
Competence in analyzing complex data and drawing evidence-based conclusions.
A system for data quality control checks that can be accessible to CEHRO without any restrictions.
Excellent writing skills in English and the ability and skills to deliver clear, concise, and actionable evaluation reports.
Ability to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders, including CSOs, government bodies, and donors.
Language proficiency relevant to the region or target stakeholders
Demonstrated capacity and experience in planning and organizing the necessary field logistics.
Proven record of success delivering deliverables like those that will produced under this ToR.
The Evaluators are expected to submit the following in response to the ToR:
A technical proposal of no more than 10 pages, with the following sections:
Technical Competency: The Evaluators should detail their relevant technical experience and expertise in offering the prescribed services as outlined in the ToR.
Technical Approach: Offerors should detail their organization’s proposed approach to meeting the requirements of the ToR and the Timeline. This technical approach should reflect on the evaluators past experience of technical assistance for various organizations.
Implementation Plan: In a Gantt chart or tabular form, present a proposed implementation plan for delivering on the requirements of this ToR.
Include all CVs of Evaluators.
A Financial Proposal that consists of:
Budget in Microsoft Excel with all formulas visible.
Budget Narrative in Microsoft Excel with all cost assumptions and explanations. (budget narrative sheet)
Budget in Ethiopian Birr
All prices should be inclusive of relevant taxes.
Break down activity costs into as much detail as possible.
Electronic proposals must be submitted via email, with the technical and financial proposals attached separately. Please ensure the proposal is submitted within seven consecutive days to
Fields Of Study
Human Rights
Skills Required
evaluate project plans
investigate human rights violations
manage quantitative data
engage with stakeholders
defend human rights
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