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214 Companies
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HaHuJobs top posting companies

Below are some of the companies with a high number of vacancy announcements since the start of our aggregation services in 2019

What makes us
standout from the rest

HaHuJobs Primary services are deployments targeting the needs of the Ethiopian jobseeker, with both online and assisted models the platform is tool intended to assist the process of looking for a job at all levels of employment. It features vacancy aggregation and posting from various sources as well as enterprises, builds career profiles, apply for jobs, and subscribe to customized alerts for each user via a channel of their choice. HaHuJobs primary also offers standardized classification of all vacancies both sourced from HaHuJobs enterprise services and other manual and digital vacancy platforms.

Our vacancy classification follows a combination of ILOs ISCO 8 and the O*Net occupation classification with modifications to the Ethiopian labor market trend. Each vacancy will be given a four-digit occupation taxonomy identification code to determine it's overall standard requirements in terms of skill, knowledge, ability, and expected activities.

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Why choose us


You no longer look for jobs, jobs look for you

We offer aggregated, standardized and quality assure vacancy and career-related information from various digital as well as manual sources to set them into one searchable database.


Reachable across multiple channels and platforms

Use your mobile, tablet, or desktop to access our website, mobile app, Telegram, or Facebook bots and also get personalized job alerts via your designated medium.

Ease of use

Both online and offline service options.

HaHuJobs offers both in-person as well as virtual models for all its career-related service components through its employment offices across the nation and capital Addis Ababa.

Post vacancy

HaHuJobs offers dedicated enterprise cloud services for a full human resource management platform with an affordable price package. Posting vacancy is completely free, and only requires to follow the below listed steps.



You contact us through one of our outlets with the details of your vacancy. You can click the button below to review ways to share your vacancy and review the required information we need to publish your vacancy on all our outlets.



Our service officers will receive the details from your organization via the channel you communicated it in. They will review the details provided to validate all required information is available and build validate the legitimacy of the vacancy.



All vacancy details will then go through our standardized categorization process for taxonomy identification and reorganization of information if required so it fits the publishing structure of our outlets, then will be approved for publishing.

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